Joy and life …..
/I want to share an awesome article
Check it out
I want to share an awesome article
Check it out
It happens to all of us. You know the feeling - you are away from home running errands, or you are out later than expected or because you had to stay late at work…… you realize that you are hungry. Not just a little hungry You are hangry! You haven’t eaten for hours, your head is starting to throb, your tummy is growling and you can’t think straight.
Bottom line: you need food. Now!
As you survey your options, you realize that getting something to eat that is even remotely healthy is going to be nearly impossible. But you have little choice, so you grab a burger or a salad with grilled chicken, small order of fries just to get you through.
Occasionally this might be an option but too many times this will sabotage your efforts at health and fitness at weight loss or muscle gains
The KEY IS to stop having eating emergencies
It does take some planning, but it isn’t as hard as you might think.
I like to think of it as
Plan A a perfectly preplanned food prep
Plan B having your non perishable items available in your office and or car
Plan C making the best possible choice if you neglect A or B Which IMO means you go to the grocery store and get healthier choices like sliced turkey and veggies with hummus and an apple
The first step is to make a list of healthy, on-the-go foods that you enjoy eating. Make sure that you include things with healthy fats, protein and carbs. When you are very hungry, you need to have all the macronutrients covered in order to get quick energy, satisfy your hunger and clear your brain fog. This does not have to be a complete meal, but it needs to be balanced enough to substitute for one if needed.
Here are some ideas to help you get started.
▪Unsalted nuts. Walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts. These should be consumed in small quantities My fav go to is 6 Brazil nuts with 6 dark chocolate espresso beans prepped in a small Tupperware
▪Raw Veggies. They are crisp, juicy, cold and sweet and full of the micronutrients your body craves. Add your favorite hummus or lo-cal dip occasionally
▪Cheese. If you eat dairy, having a small slice of your favorite cheese will give you a complete protein, a little fat and be very comforting. Remember: the goal is to tame the beast inside you that is calling out for a hotdog from the nearest drive through window. This is a mental exercise as well as physical!
▪Nut butters. Cashew, almond, peanut...find your favorite. Almond butter is great on a banana; cashew butter is perfect on whole grain crackers. Go ahead and put 7-8 chocolate chips on top if you want. This is a tiny indulgence that will go far to settle your craving.
▪Boiled eggs. Do you like cold, salted boiled eggs? Another favorite of mine
▪Sardines. Yes, you read that right. If you like fish, you can buy small packets of wild caught sardines that travel very well. Or tuna I like to stock jars of tuna in my office for such hangry episodes
▪Water. You need to drink enough water.
The second step seems obvious, but it has to happen if you are going to eliminate impulse eating: buy the food on your list. You have to get it in your house, your office your car so you have it when you need it.
The third step is to plan your food kit. This food has to travel with you, and you have to decide how you are going to transport it. The secret is convenience. If you only have five minutes to grab your kit on your way out the door before work, it has to be streamlined. Ideally you will leave yourself more than five minutes, but life happens.
Here are some tips to help you set up your food kit for ease and speed.
▪Small cooler. Purchase a small cooler that will hold an ice pack and several other things. Keep this in your kitchen so you can grab it on the go.
▪Plates, utensils, napkins. Whether you use paper/plastic or your everyday items, get a bag and put a couple of plates, some utensils and some napkins in it. You will use this same bag every time you use your kit, so it becomes a habit. It can be a plastic bag, a cloth bag or a paper bag. It doesn’t matter. The point is that you can grab this bag on your way out the door and know that it has what you need in it.
▪Small storage containers or plastic bags.You need individual containers to put your food in. Don’t take the whole package of cheese or the whole bag of chocolate chips, because you will end up eating too much. Put one or two pieces of cheese in a container, and put only 7-8 chocolate chips in a bag. Toss some nuts in one container, some cut up fruit in another. Also, you don’t have to prepare everything in advance. In a pinch, you can eat a big bell pepper just like an apple! Just have a plan so you can get it fast when needed. Some things don’t have to be separately packaged, such as your nut butter.
▪A tote bag or duffle bag. This bag will be your “picnic basket,” so to speak. Stuff everything into it that does not go into the cooler.
▪Water bottle. You need something to carry your water in
You’ve done the hard part. You’ve figured out what foods will make you happy and help you through the emergency, you’ve stocked up on them, you have gathered what you need for transport and you have your water situation figured out.
All that is left is making it happen. You have to take the food with you when you leave the house. The first few times you do this, it will seem complicated and tedious. But eventually, you will do it with little thought. It will be habit. That is why using the same cooler, the same bags and the same water container every time is so important. You will likely even find you grab the same foods nearly every time—it’s just easier. And it has to be easy, or you won’t do it.
The happy result is that when you are out and realize you are hungry, you will not have to eat food from a restaurant. You will have an assortment of health and energy promoting foods at your fingertips.
Results on a big scale are slow
BUT small unseen changes are still happening
….it's often the "quit it" point.
All those little changes added up equal big change
It's consistency over time is truly what matters
You didn't get into our "situation" often overnight.
Often it's been months or even YEARS where our body has settled into our current position so that it feels NORMA…dysfunctional movement patterns or weight, this is what our body is used to.
It's why changing your form on a movement pattern to make it more efficient long-term, may make it feel harder short term.
It's why it can be harder to lose weight the longer you've been at your current
Physically and mentally old patterns are hard to break.
Some are so ingrained we don't even realize we repeat them.Some have been learned and patterned since childhood!
That's why it is so hard to make a change and stick with new habits...
Its uncomfortable.
It’s new.
It take extra focus and self control and determination.
It's why it is easy to give up when it feels like things aren't happening fast enough.
It's why being consistent with the new habits past the point you want to quit is so important It’s why you need both motivation from external sources and determination from within ourselves!!
KEEP GOING.…..for your future self!
Remember this is the point you've so often turned back and TODAY you're going to choose to keep going instead...
Love it or hate it, spring cleaning is the perfect time to take stock of all that we've collected — the good, the bad, and… the cluttered. But, if you still can't muster the strength to tackle your overstuffed garage or closet, there’s a potentially more manageable task you can try that’s right in the palm of your hand.
Meet: The social media cleanse. Experts agree that strategically unfollowing accounts can contribute to a more positive mindset — especially if the accounts in question are making you stressed or angry, leading you to overspend, or are spurring feelings of inadequacy.
Curating your social feed is an opportunity to bring more intention, awareness, and self-reflection to the scroll, and reclaim the space as a source of inspiration and expansion rather than comparison and FOMO.
Give it a whirlNext time you’re scrolling, ask yourself if the people and accounts you follow are adding value to your life. Is it a “hate follow”? Does it bring up feelings of resentment? Competitiveness? Insecurity? If it’s a “yes” (or even an “ehhh”), go ahead and unfollow.
It's worth remembering that feelings of jealousy can tip us off to things we want out of life, so no need to judge ourselves too harshly for these feelings.
After pruning your social feed, you may notice you not only have a better understanding of what you’re looking for, but more breathing room to focus on what really matters.
Now that the weather is getting nice, you may be tempted to forgo your resistance training and head outdoors for some aerobic exercise in the fresh air. But beware: if you give up your resistance training, you will be giving up more than you bargained for.
Resistance training is critical for true fitness. Without it, your muscles will atrophy. If you aren’t building muscle, you are likely losing it.
And if you are 20 or older, you are definitely losing muscle, unless you are working hard to build it. Beginning at age 20, we begin naturally losing muscle mass every decade.
The old cliché holds true for muscle mass: if you don’t use it, you lose it.
Have you ever broken your arm or leg and had to wear a cast for a few weeks?
Remember what greeted you when the cast was removed? Your arm or leg was a lot smaller and felt weak. That is because just a few weeks of disuse caused the muscles to begin to atrophy .
Here are some of the benefits of resistance training:
▪Stops muscle loss and helps begin the rebuilding process.
▪Makes daily acttivites easier, from carrying groceries to rearraging your furniture.
▪Gives you a sculpted look.
▪Increases bone density, giving you a strong, stable skeleton.
▪Improves balance and coordination.
▪Prevents decay of the pads between your bones, so that you do not hurt when you move.
▪Causes the tendons to grow deeper into your bones, reducing the chance of tearing.
▪Builds muscles which will burn more calories, even while you are resting.
▪Reduces blood pressure by making your heart stronger.
▪Increases your metabolism.
▪Decreases blood sugar, which helps prevent insulin resistance (the precursor to diabetes).
▪Improves your aerobic capacity: the stronger your muscles, the better your endurance.
▪Gives you a general feeling of wellness and strength. If you are strong, you feel strong.
▪Makes you a better athlete: there is no substitue for strength!
▪Prevents the weak, frail “skinny-fat” look.
▪Raises your energy level. The more muscle you have, the less effort you have to exert and the more energy you have available.
▪Secures future protection against falls and fractures. If you age with dense bones, strong muscles and good balance, your risk of injury plummets.
▪Creates 22% more afterburn than aerobic exercise does. (Afterburn refers to the fat and calories that your body burns in the hours after you have finished your workout.)
Still tempted to give up resistance training?
“But,” the question goes, “Can’t I just go for a run and build muscle? I’m using muscles when I run!”
The answer is NO! Running or other aerobic exercise is not a replacement for resistance training. They are different exercises and provide different benefits. Aerobic exercise does not deliver the needed stress to your bones, muscles and tendons.
In order to build strength, you have to pull hard on tendons, do microscopic damage to your muscles and literally bend your bones. Going out for a run or putting in an hour on the treadmill will not do this sufficiently.
This is not to say that aerobic exercise is not important: it is! But it is not resistance training. You need both. And if you omit one, you do your body a great disservice.
Another danger of focusing on cardio or aerobic exercise to the exclusion of resistance training is becoming what is known as “skinny fat.” Skinny fat is a condition in which a person appears thin on the outside, but inside they are unhealthy and at risk for illness.
If you are losing weight through diet and exercise but not simultaneously doing resistance training, you are not only losing fat: you are losing muscle as well. Your body will burn through your muscles tissue as surely as it will burn through your fat. As you lose muscle, you lose a major source of energy, and you lose tone and definition.
Further, as you lose muscle, your bones become weak, because they do not have to do as much work. Weak bones are a precursor to osteoporosis.
Hidden fat is also a risk for the “skinny fat” person. When 800 slim people underwent an MRI scan to check for visceral or hidden fat, 45% were found to have excessive amounts of internal fat, undetectable from the outside1. Visceral fat is the most dangerous fat to have, because it accumulates around organs such as the pancreas, heart and liver and then begins releasing hormones and other secretions that lead to disease.
Resistance training can reduce visceral fat and help prevent the additional formation around the organs.
Don’t give up your resistance training just because spring is here and you are eager to get outside. There is no substitute for lifting heavy weights 2 to 3 times each week. Your health is on the line. GET AFTER IT!
There's something to be said for slow and steady progress, but there's also something to be said for decisive and sweeping action. When it comes to negative habits, there's no time like today to quit cold turkey. Of course that's a lot easier said than done, but with practice we can do better almost immediately.
Many ppl struggle with a “cold turkey” approach. Using a tapering approach can help slowly weaning away from those bad habits. An example might be drinking soda. Rather than cut it out 100% give yourself 1 or 2 treats a small soda per week or switch to diet soda (which saves on the calories) if you can’t cut out the daily habit quite yet.
Another approach and I personally find this works best for myself is the ADD in positive changes without really thinking of the bad habits. A vessel can only hold so much and adding can feel less restrictive as the bad habits begin to fall away. Too many times we have lofty goals without smaller goals we jump in head first and it’s “sink or swim”, we become overwhelmed and give up. For example add in some lean protein at every meal/snack Protein helps us feel satiated and fully thus indirectly decreases our caloric intake while providing some much needed nutrients
Adding one thing at a time like an ingredient in a recipe can feel more manageable. We have little successes along the way and those inspire us to keep going rather than feeling so far off our giant end goal we quit out of frustration
So when considering goals in the new year choose stepping stone smaller pieces of the puzzle the big picture all the ingredients that create the full recipe of success and celebrate these along the way
We know deep down that life is short, and that death will happen to all of us eventually, and yet we are infinitely surprised when it happens to someone we know. It’s like walking up a flight of stairs with a distracted mind, and misjudging the final step. You expected there to be one more stair than there is, and so you find yourself off balance for a moment, before your mind shifts back to reality and how the world really is.
So let that reminder be a wake-up call to liveyour life today! Don’t ignore death, but don’t be afraid of life either. Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take positive action today. Death is not the greatest loss in life, neither is injury. The greatest loss is what dies inside you while you’re still alive and capable.
So even when life gets messy, be bold, be courageous, be a scared to death, and then take the next step anyway. Invest your heart and soul into whatever you have right in front of you. Bring passion into otherwise ordinary moments… Love what you do, until you can do what you love. Love where you are, until you can be where you love. Love the people you’re with, until you can be with the people you love most. This is the way we find more happiness, opportunity, and peace on the average day.
Want to sleep better, enjoy more fulfilling relationships, experience more positive emotions, greater life satisfaction, and lower levels of depression and stress?
Introduce a daily gratitude practice. Gratitude has a powerful effect on our health and well-being, research shows. In fact, at the University of California, Davis, an entire lab headed by Dr. Robert Emmons is devoted to research on measuring gratitude and its effects.
Based on his research, people who feel more gratitude feel more optimistic, achieve their goals, sleep better, have more fulfilling relationships, and exercise more often. They experience more positive emotions, greater life satisfaction, vitality, optimism, and lower levels of depression and stress. And that makes life more fun.
Schedule a daily gratitude break. Set the alarm on your cell phone and take a moment to find what you feel grateful for. It only takes a moment and can be an instant pick-me-up.
Start a gratitude list. Get a special journal, notebook, or notepad, or open a new document labeled gratitude. You’ll be surprised at how much you have to be grateful for. The list not only makes you feel good but if times are hard, reading it will provide perspective.
Go to church. Find a religious or spiritual service that suits you, and attend regularly. Dr. Emmon’s research shows that people who go to church experience more gratefulness. Not only is expressing gratitude part of many church services, but the church provides a like-minded and supportive social network that gives participants much to be thankful for.
Share your gratitude. Dr. Emmons’ studies show that people with a greater disposition towards gratitude are rated by others as having more empathy, generosity, and helpfulness. Expressing to others what you are grateful for lifts their spirits and your own and inspires gratitude in others. Include expressions of appreciation in family or friendly gatherings, too.
See the giver behind the gift. Kim Ridley, writing on about the transformative power of gratitude, asked Dr. Emmons to suggest gratitude practices. One of the practices he suggested was to focus each day on someone who benefits you: a bank teller, grocery bagger, cook, friend, or spouse.
Bow. Express your gratitude physically. Ridley also interviewed Nancy Hathaway, a family mindfulness consultant, who suggested this practice. After all, gratitude is not just mental. It comes from spontaneous feelings rising from deep within. Yoga asanas, bowing, the Namaste expression, religious observances, and expressions of affection are all ways that we can embody, integrate, and express feelings of gratitude.
Dr. Emmons says that although religious and spiritual institutions have long understood the power of gratitude, the scientific world is discovering its efficacy. His studies focus on developing methods to cultivate gratitude and developing a reliable measure to assess differences in a person’s disposition towards gratitude. Dr. Emmons says gratitude practices enhance pleasant feelings rather than diminishing unpleasant emotions.
As a mother of four children, I often told my children it’s not what happens to them that matters, but how they respond to it. As complex human beings, we can feel many things at once. Why not add gratitude to the list?
This article was adapted from Stacy Slawitsky’s “Fun Ways to Start a Daily Gratitude Practice” on the Huffington Post.
Sound Healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing sounds, music, and sound healing instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul, spirit) are awakened gently and lovingly.
Integral Sound Healing is highly effective at triggering our relaxation response, which counters the many symptoms caused by chronic stress, while helping to balance our whole being.
Sound Healing Instruments that are easy to play can be applied both on the body and off-the-body, whilst also incorporating vocal sounds and tones.
Sound Therapy techniques are delivered using instruments such as Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and more, both during a one-on-one sound healing session or sound bath.
Learn more about the benefits of strength training for menopause, best strength training exercises for menopause, and some tips for getting started.
The benefits of exercise extend to every stage of life. Exercise boosts your mood, improves cardiovascular health, increases bone density, and generally keeps you healthier. But as we age, our body’s needs change, and some forms of exercise can benefit you more than others.
This is especially true for those going through menopause. Menopause causes changes in everything from body composition to bone density to temperature regulation. Among the ways to mitigate the symptoms of menopause, exercise is excellent.
But just not any exercise — of all the ways to keep moving through The Change, strength training is one of the best. Read on to learn about the benefits of strength training for menopause, the best strength training exercises for menopause, and some tips for getting started.
The benefits of strength training for menopause
Over the past few years, more and more studies have begun to show an array of benefits of strength training for menopausal females, including:
Increased production of muscle-building stem cells
Increased metabolism
Increased bone density
Improved cardiovascular (and overall) health
Decreased joint pain
Improved mood
Decreased hot flashes
Do you feel like something “needs to change” in your life?
“One of the reasons we keep our lives so complicated is so we won't have to listen to our inner voice telling us what we need to do to make our lives work better."
-Elaine St James
One of the ways we keep ourselves distracted is busyness
Keeping things and people in our lives that keep us constantly distracted Is also a way of not paying attention
Stress keeps us unfocused
All of these can prevent us from hearing our inner voice
That inner voice tells you what YOU really need
Not what others expect you to need not what society tells you you should strive for not the advice (though well meaning) of those around you
Even our own thoughts can be distracting
The only way to find pure joy and happiness is listening
Paying attention
Set aside a small time and space daily for just hearing your own voice
Begin with 5 minutes of silence
Sit in nature
Once you start it gets easier to hear and that my friend makes it easier in turn to listen
The only way you find your true path is from within
Listen 💜
Join Hallie of HJS Fit for BOOTCAMPS at In Sync Fitness
Her first class is Saturday April 24 at 0800
She’s inviting 20 women to join her
Please message her for more details and to sign up 1 (509) 520-1087
I am super excited to welcome Mercy Buck to our yoga and fitness team in March
Mercy is the owner of MercYoga ERYT-200 focusing on yoga mobility and stability and strength. She is a certified personal trainer through NASM and Sattva Yoga certified. Her classes are a blend of vinyasa hot power Yin Functional fitness Corrective and preventative exercise. Shes loves teaching and inspiring people to make healthy strong changes in their lives.
She will begin teaching in our studio at In Sync Fitness March 8th/10th 2021
Monday 430 pm Strength-ility. This is a Level 2 class BUT she will always offer modifications as needed. A fun energizing combination of strength and mobility taught through innovative sequencing, breath and music
Wednesday 600pm HA-TA-YIN ALL levels WELCOME A combination of strength and stretch with those luxurious long pauses of YIN taught through lots of breath
Join Mercy for some inspiring practice time
January we find ourselves full of energy ready to tackle our new habits new goals for the new year.
As the month comes to a close many will let those habits fall by the wayside and give up on those goals.
Why? What happens? Are we lacking “willpower” or just undisciplined? Perhaps the answers are not that “superficial”. Maybe the “whys” lie in the way we have set ourselves up to fail in lack of planning appropriately and in mindset. If you know me and my thoughts on “willpower” you know I think it’s one of the biggest excuses we use. It’s a little lie we tell ourselves to justify our failure our quitting another attempt in the new year.
You and only you are responsible for success or failure. Below I suggest a few ways to be more successful this year and beyond.
Are your goals achievable? I cannot tell you how many time a potential client comes in with their new goals and they are completely unrealistic. Oh it’s not that I don’t believe all you may be capable of achieving yet you set yourself up to fail by biting off more than you can chew. Goals take time. New habits take time. That is why daily and weekly goals are so important. Daily/weekly goals that push you towards your largest goal. I call these stepping stone goals.
One must lay out a plan not just a looming goal.
Self talk. Mindset. Attitude. CHOICE. Those all matter. Psychologically speaking self criticism weakens our resolve. It chews away at the edges of our confidence and resilience. Make a daily routine of positive self talk and embracing your faults. In other words have self compassion. Success is not a straight line it’s a series of twists and turns and hills.
Know your saboteurs your setbacks your obstacles your forks in the road and align yourself with the tools to overcome these. Don’t go into a battle unarmed. Again have a plan on how you will deal with such things. If you anticipate these you are less likely to become frustrated and quit.
On the topic of willpower….. there is no such thing.
Ask yourself “Is what I’m choosing now today in this moment in alignment with the outcome I want long term?”
Choose wisely.
So many times I hear the complaint “how can I work so hard and not be losing weight or changing my physique”?
About 90% of the time it comes down to nutrition.
I said nutrition not diet. They are not one in the same.
nutrition is meeting your requirements in terms of carbs fats protein vitamins minerals fiber hydration.
Diet is the manipulation of these. If basic nutrition is not met your body cannot perform optimally and adding diet to the mix just adds more stress. And we all know too well what stress does to a body right?!
Stress comes in many forms work related lack of sleep hormonal over exercising and lack of proper nutrition to name a few.
The first goal nutrition sets you up for training and diet is only needed if the first two are not effective. Like I said 90% of the time they ARE!
Here are some basic guidelines and some general examples of meals and snacks to help you. Remember you may require more or less this is a rough outline
Calories BMR the minimum you need to survive is estimated by your weight x 11 for female and x 12 for male. This DOES NOT consider your activity factors. The fuel you need to actually move about think (the brain needs fuel) and exercise are some activity factors.
Carbs eat them they are your friend. The brain needs a minimum of 130g per day. Protein needs it’s friend carbs to build muscles. 40-60% of your calories should be carbs.
Protein be sure to include it in every meal. No not eat meat in every meal that’s not what I said. You know oatmeal has proteins so do many other non meat foods. Your protein intake should be .8 to 2g/kg bw. Yeah huge range but that’s determined in your activity lifestyle goals and age! Women especially as you age be sure to eat your proteins!
Fats especially healthy fats you NEED them. Guess what? Our endocrine hormone systems need them.
And most women over 40 need a tad more with hormone changes.
Sugar less than 60 grams per day. Period. Including fruits dairy etc.
Fiber so neglected and so important! Women aim for 25-30g per day. Men 25-35g per day.
Hydration. Drink water. Drink what you want as long as you meet the above guidelines. Dehydration accounts for a 3% DECREASE in metabolism.
When you lack good health, everything else in life suffers. It’s harder to concentrate and study. Illness can cause you to fall behind in life. Stress can make you feel overwhelmed. If you want to do well in all areas of your life, you must make your health a priority.
Most people are thinking about their New Years resolutions in terms of physical like losing weight
The truth is before we even consider the physical we must take care of the mental and emotional well-being of our body and that is influenced by our relationships with our self and others around us
Set the tone for success with daily meditation or gratefuls what are you thankful for? Who are you thankful for?
I like to write on a post in and stick it where I can see it throughout the day. A screenshot on my phone of an inspiring quote or photo works too
Gentle reminders of why you are doing what you’re doing. Taking care of you makes us better all around. Better caregivers parents spouses coworkers and friends are present they are available. When we do not take time for us we may become resentful short and disconnected from our support system that surrounds us.
Truth is no matter how independent how great you think you are on your own “people need people” It’s a scientific fact when it comes to human needs
Figure out who’s in your corner who’s in your circle that matters that will keep you honest and support you on this New Years journey
Now set your goals for the physical and include those people in your circle. Delete/ limit the saboteurs the complainers the ones who hold you back and question your plan for success
Find ways to work together to push each other to be accountable. It doesn’t have to be a trainer
Maybe you share healthy recipes
Maybe you compete on closing activity circles or steps on an app
Maybe you hike together
Something as simple as a daily “you got this!” Text
Establish weekly goals together to get to your own individual goals
Make it interesting make it rewarding plus it’s a bit more fun to hang with like minded folks
So many are feeling lost right now
Lost jobs
Lost friends
Lost homes etc
Lost belief in themselves and their ability to move forward through these times
I wanted to share an article written by my friend which was published in Elephant Journal
“Leg power predicts both cognitive aging and global brain structure, despite controlling for common genetics and early life environment shared by twins." —Steves, CJ, et al.
The above may seem like a statement from the realm of alternate facts, but according to a study comparing twins, greater muscle fitness appears to correlate with better brain functioning over time.
Using leg strength as a measure for muscle fitness, the researchers compared the cognitive functioning among older twins over a 10-year period.
The result? Those with greater muscle fitness showed the least “fall-off” in thinking skills, even when controlling for diet, high blood pressure, and more.
Thank you
Susan Hoverson
+1 (509) 629-4510