Results are slllllow……
/Results on a big scale are slow
BUT small unseen changes are still happening
….it's often the "quit it" point.
All those little changes added up equal big change
It's consistency over time is truly what matters
You didn't get into our "situation" often overnight.
Often it's been months or even YEARS where our body has settled into our current position so that it feels NORMA…dysfunctional movement patterns or weight, this is what our body is used to.
It's why changing your form on a movement pattern to make it more efficient long-term, may make it feel harder short term.
It's why it can be harder to lose weight the longer you've been at your current
Physically and mentally old patterns are hard to break.
Some are so ingrained we don't even realize we repeat them.Some have been learned and patterned since childhood!
That's why it is so hard to make a change and stick with new habits...
Its uncomfortable.
It’s new.
It take extra focus and self control and determination.
It's why it is easy to give up when it feels like things aren't happening fast enough.
It's why being consistent with the new habits past the point you want to quit is so important It’s why you need both motivation from external sources and determination from within ourselves!!
KEEP GOING.…..for your future self!
Remember this is the point you've so often turned back and TODAY you're going to choose to keep going instead...