Love it or hate it, spring cleaning is the perfect time to take stock of all that we've collected — the good, the bad, and… the cluttered. But, if you still can't muster the strength to tackle your overstuffed garage or closet, there’s a potentially more manageable task you can try that’s right in the palm of your hand. 

Meet: The social media cleanse.
Experts agree that strategically unfollowing accounts can contribute to a more positive mindset — especially if the accounts in question are making you stressed or angry, leading you to overspend, or are spurring feelings of inadequacy.

Curating your social feed is an opportunity to bring more intention, awareness, and self-reflection to the scroll, and reclaim the space as a source of inspiration and expansion rather than comparison and FOMO.

Give it a whirlNext time you’re scrolling, ask yourself if the people and accounts you follow are adding value to your life. Is it a “hate follow”? Does it bring up feelings of resentment? Competitiveness? Insecurity? If it’s a “yes” (or even an “ehhh”), go ahead and unfollow.

It's worth remembering that feelings of jealousy can tip us off to things we want out of life, so no need to judge ourselves too harshly for these feelings.

After pruning your social feed, you may notice you not only have a better understanding of what you’re looking for, but more breathing room to focus on what really matters.